Monday, September 24, 2007

Tune into Your Tube

It's that time of year again...the start of the fall television season! Clearly my life has gotten much more routine in years of late and it may be sad that I'm this excited for the fall lineup, but I'm fine with all of that. My husband and I actually went through the guide this weekend and updated our Tivo Season Passes to ensure we don't miss an episode, which will be tougher this year since The Office and Grey's Anatomy are on at the EXACT same time.

There are of course the oldies but goodies that keep coming back for more (honestly, how long can ER stay on the air?), then there are the new shows of which two or three will actually stick -- think Heroes from last year -- and others that will fail miserably despite having the right intentions -- I'm remembering Studio 60 On the Sunset Strip. This year I'm pulling for the new drama Dirty Sexy Money...if nothing else the title is captivating! But then at the top of the heap are our favorite shows, the ones that left us hanging last year and that we're counting down the minutes until the opening credits roll. My favs -- Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, The Office and the big daddy of them all 24...alas, we must still wait four more months before I can start salivating over Jack Bauer again. Who are the winners, losers and most anticipated shows on your Tivo?

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