- Boston Legal - my favorite of the week so far...by far! "You are my sunshine..."
- Dirty SEXY Money - just from the name you knew this one was gonna be good
- The Office - Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run For The Cure...need I say more?
- Grey's Anatomy - it wasn't my favorite...I mean are you serious that we have to suffer through more icky sex between Izzie and George? Ewww! It's just not right. But there's still something about those Seattle Grace docs...and who can't help but want to see the smoldering continue between our favorite MerDer combo?
- The Big Bang Theory - watched this nerdy comedy by chance and got a few good laughs out of it.
- Two and a Half Men - we're still getting a kick out of Charlie and his sex-crazed ways, although I'm amazed by what they're able to put on the small screen these days!
- Hot Shots - this is Desperate Housewives in reverse!
- The Unit -lots of dramatic action packed into this season's first hour! Is Jennifer Garner even the least bit sad she dumped Scott Foley now that he's a hot army guy!
- Desperate Housewives - The juiciness is back on Sunday nights!
- Brothers & Sisters - Turn on the waterworks...I was bawling for most of the show!
- Private Practice - they're going to need to pick up the pace on this show...it's riding on high expectations and I didn't think they were met in the season premiere.
- K-Ville - saw five minutes of this and that was five minutes too much.
- Hi, My Name is Earl - can't believe they've stretched that same karma list out over three seasons.
- Journeyman - was on my way to dreamland when my husband was watching this, but even he agreed this won't make our Tivo lineup. And wasn't this show on before under the name Quantum Leap?
- Back to You - so disappointingly bad!!
- Heroes - I didn't watch the whole show, not even most of it...I'm sorry but I can not get into it -- I know I'm in the minority here.
Tell me what you thought about week number one...are we in agreement? Still looking forward to Pushing Daisies this Wednesday.
1 comment:
LOVED: The Office (it's hilarious how much more I can relate now that I'm working, "It's your job to buy the balloons, not mine"), SVU, Without a Trace. DID NOT LOVE: Private Practice, Big Shots.
Can't wait for Desperate Housewives tonight (it's going to be so weird not to watch it with all of my college friends) and my Tivo cut off Grey's right as George was knocking on Izzie's door!
I'm not watching too much right now, I can't wait until mid-season when Lost and October Road come back.
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