Friday, June 22, 2007

Virgin blogger

Today I post my first blog entry. It's bad when you're in your late 20s and you already feel antiquated because of the onslaught of new technologies! Anyway, I shall try to keep up!

Today is a Summer Friday for my company, Standing Partnership, a PR firm headquartered in St. Louis but I happen to live and work in beautiful Portland, Ore. where I manage the firm's West Coast office. I am a full time working mom...and proud of it. I should give props to my colleague Marijean who lives in Charlotsville, West Virginia and has been paying tribute to working moms for a long time. Check out her blog at It's awesome being a parent, tough at times but the greatest thing in the world. Speaking of which, since it's a 1/2 day today, I'm off to get the little one and head for the zoo. Happy Friday!