Monday, February 18, 2008

Roll out the Red Carpet...

After months of striking, the writer's union has finally come to an agreement with studios...and it's just in the knick of time! Oscar Night is right around the corner. For anyone in the Portland area, check out Oscar Night America at the Hollywood Theatre this Sunday, Feb. 24. The event is hosted by Film Action Oregon, the non-profit that owns and operates the Theatre as well as provides support to independent filmmakers in the state. The black-tie event is our annual fundraiser to raise money which will support the ongoing restoration of the Theatre and our programs. Commissioner Sam Adams is the event's honorary chair and Daria, Mitch and Ted of 105.1 Afternoon Buzz will emcee. There are great raffle, auction and wine prizes to be had as well as a Predict the Winners contest. A pre-party will be held at Mark Lindsay's Rock 'n Roll Cafe starting at 3 p.m., doors to the Theatre open at 4 p.m. and the live telecast starts at 5 p.m. Tickets to the main event are $75 - pre-party is $25. For tickets, visit Let's all get dressed up with someplace fun to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.