Thursday, December 18, 2008

Did You Know?: Holiday facts from around the globe

Happy Holidays from XPLANE - the place where I spend my days! XPLANE is an information design consultancy that partners with companies to drive understanding and clarity through the use of visual thinking and design. Enjoy and happy holidays!

Friday, August 8, 2008

On Paper Wings - putting Bly on the map

For any of my fellow Southern Oregonians, you may be familiar with the story of the Japanese balloon bomb that landed in Bly and caused the only deaths on the mainland of the U.S. during WWII. But whether you're familiar or not, it's a very compelling story and has recently been made into a documentary here in Portland. The film, "On Paper Wings" screens this weekend at the Hollywood Theatre. As a person not from Bly, but having grown up with a Bly P.O. box (you figure that one out), I'd encourage people to check it out.

"On Paper Wings": Portland filmmaker Ilana Sol's documentary is a quietly effective account of the only fatalities inflicted by the enemy on the U.S. mainland during World War II -- a Japanese paper "balloon bomb" that exploded in 1945 near Bly, Ore., killing a pregnant woman and five children. It gives the perspectives of the survivors and the Japanese schoolgirls who made the balloons, not comprehending the fatal possibilities of their patriotic service.
Saturday-Sunday at Hollywood Theatre

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hooray for Hollywood!

Come out tonight for a street party on Sandy Blvd., celebrating the Hollywood Theatre's 82nd birthday! Sandy will be closed between NE 40th and 42nd. BBQ, birthday cake, beer garden (courtesy of Laurelwood Brew Pub), live entertainment, street performers and fire trucks will all be in attendance. Main stage performers include Stephanie Schneiderman, Funkplastic and the Hollywood Dance Troupe. Fun for the whole family! BBQ and beers cost $5 - all proceeds go to Film Action Oregon and the restoration of the Hollywood Theatre!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Time for some campaigning!

Send a JibJab Sendables® eCard Today!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Moment

My grandmother and I have never really gotten along. Ever since I was a little girl we have battled. She's called me the worst granddaughter ever - I'm sure I've called her worse than that. I think I always looked a little too much like my mom, preferred Michael Jordon t-shirts over pink frills and lace, cut my hair a little too short, preferred track meets over shopping and oh yeah, there was the time I chose a black baby doll to buy out of a store full out white ones. She has always far preferred my sister (except for a brief period when she thought maybe Lynn was a lesbian!).

My grandfather passed away in 1999. He was a strong, big, fun-loving man who adored my dad (his son), spoiled Lynn and I as a grandpa does and could keep my ornery grandma in line unlike anyone else. After he died we were sure my grandma would soon follow. But here we are nine years later and she lives on....for now.

In fact she is nearing the end of her life. She fell seriously ill about a month and a half ago. Kidney failure, diabetes flare up, fluid in the lungs - a whole series of issues. Last week I received a phone call from my mom about 8 p.m. She told me that she and my dad were headed into town - grandma was very sick and not expected to make it much longer - maybe not even until they got there. Suddenly I was struck with the feeling of "Oh crap." Here is this woman who I have argued with and really disliked all of my life, always wishing she'd just be nice to me, not be hurtful and maybe approve of something I did, said or wore. Of course I had ultimately achieved that approval when Brooke was born - on many occasions my grandma said to me, "Don't you ever wonder where she came from?" of course implying that I could never produce something that CUTE! But yes, she loves Brooke, thinks she's a smart, sweet girl which she's right about, she is. But anyway back to last week. Suddenly I felt like I had something that must be said to this woman - this woman who I have rarely been able to bring myself to say "I love you" to because of the callouses I had built up around my heart. I needed her to not die without me at least telling her that I do indeed love her...I knew that deep down she'd always loved me, in her own, often twisted and confusing way. I needed to have a "last call" with her. I called the hospital hoping they could at least hold the phone up to her ear so that I could say a few words to her. However, when I called I was told that she was doing better, moved back into her room and was resting comfortably. My parents had turned around and were headed home. What? I wiped away my tears and thought, "crazy old woman - she's just not going to die." I talked to her the next day and she was her usual cranky self - telling me how bad the food is, how the phone doesn't work right and how they won't let her do anything. Yep, same ol' Grandma. It wouldn't have been right for me to try to have some deep "last conversation" with her then - it would have been awkward and forced, and probably not well-received, if I'd tried.

Fast forward to last night.

On my way home from work I thought I should call her to let her know I was thinking about her. Mom had told me that she was having a rougher time, a lot of confusion was starting to set in. I called and reached her right away. I could tell she was weaker, somewhat confused but not overly (just telling me that she's not sure what's going on) but that she wanted to talk. I told her about our recent trip down the ranch, how Brooke loves my dad (her son), how she calls him Mr. Buckaroo and why, how they went fishing and caught two trout, how she clearly says Aunt Lynn and how she thought the fireworks were fun. I realized as the time kept passing that she wasn't anxious to get off the phone as she had been during recent calls. At one point I thought she'd set the phone down because it got really quiet but then she said, "I'm here." I realized that this was it - this was the conversation I'd been waiting and needing to have. There was some reason why she was hanging on the line. I asked her if she'd ever been to Maine and told her about our upcoming trip out there to see Pat's family and then our plans to go to Cape Cod to visit John and Danette - she commented on how nice that will be. I told her that Danette and John just had their second baby which she was surprised to hear. I told her that we went horseback riding with Lynn and she commented on how much Lynn loves horses to which I agreed. She asked me what time it was and I told her 5:30. And then without hesitation and because it made perfect sense I told her that I love her and that I just want her to be comfortable. Because that's it - that's what I've always wanted...for her to have happiness, peace and comfort in her heart. And with that I told her I'd talk to her later and we both said Bye. She didn't cry or complain or whine...we just talked about happy things.

I checked the call time on my phone: 9 min., 36 seconds.

I later learned that my parents had been there just about 45 minutes before but that she basically slept the whole time and didn't seem to have much recognition that they were there, and they certainly didn't talk for 10 minutes.

I don't know what will happen today or tomorrow but I think there was a reason why she reserved that 10 minutes for me, fighting off sleep and medication to listen to what I had to tell her and for me to know she heard it. There was unfinished business between the two of us - business that didn't exist between her and my dad, or my mom and certainly not my sister. In those 9 minutes, 36 seconds we found a common ground and my wish is that it helped grant her a level of peace that she may be that much more confident to "take the trip" as my dad says. In my heart I believe the end of her time here on earth is eminent. In reality I hope that was our "last call" - because it just felt right. It's time for her to go be with my Grandpa Bud, to drink a stiff cocktail like they used to do, and to take their newest Cadillac out for a heavenly drive while listening to Patsy Cline on the stereo as they both keep the beat on the center arm rest.

Be comfortable, Grandma. I do love you.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

At Water's Edge

5 Things to be Happy About Right Now

1. It's 85 degrees and sunny.
2. Brooke loves swim lessons.
3. My favorite single friend is engaged.
4. I got paid on Monday.
5. Ari & Lloyd on Netflix.

Friday, June 20, 2008

How Obama Does It

Check out this XPLANE infographic ( showing how Barack Obama has become the first presidential candidate to turn down public funding due to his successful social networking campaign strategy. It’s interesting, regardless of who you plan to vote for this fall!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

When is an inch more than just an inch?

When that inch is on your neighbor's property! Ever since moving into our house our dog has been wreaking havoc on the neighbors, mailman, meter reader, other animals, etc... You get the idea. Last summer we built a fence on either side of our house preventing her from scaring off the mailman, meter reader and kids in the culdi sac. This spring our project was to fence off the remaining portion along the back of our yard. The posts were dug and set two weeks ago, only to soon be followed by a neighbor we had never seen or met before to be out there digging a hole. Long story short, our fence posts are on our neighbors' land -- in fact, two neighbors...lucky us. Out of 17 poles, we are moving 7 - each about six inches from where they currently sit. We can't be angry with the neighbors because it was our own screw up, but perhaps what is most frustrating (other than our own stupidity) is that we're talking INCHES, but yet hundreds of dollars at the same time. Actually thousands of dollars of total fence cost. Honestly, I'm tired of thinking about it, talking about it and dealing with it and we're coming down the home stretch now. Unless something goes awry this may be the last I speak of it...ever! Word to the wise, if you want to build a fence, ask the oldest neighbor you can find where the boundary markers are...chances are he'll know.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Keep your "you know what" in your own pants!

I mean how hard is it really for American politicians to keep their sexcapades under their own roof with their own spouse? Apparently quite difficult! With this prize move, Eliot Spitzer now joins the likes of Jim McGreevy (gay affair), Larry Craig (airport bathroom toe tapping), Sen. David Vitter (call girl scandal), and of course the most infamous of them all...Bill Clinton. With his complete jackass decision to partake (on multiple occasions) in an online prostitution ring he put an end to any possible future political aspirations that he clearly had, not to mention potentially his own marriage. Perhaps the most irritating part of this is Spitzer's own reputation which he built up as being a hard-nosed fighter of corruption and crime, sometimes to the point of wrongly accusing people and making over-inflated claims. Jerk.

Fast forward to yesterday's press conference....

As a communications professional myself I get the need to present a sense of control to the general public around the situation...although really, who's buying that front? Wouldn't it be great if just for once, the wronged wife didn't have to stand up their next to her lying, cheating, piece of crap husband? Or if she was up there, wouldn't it be great if she just bitch slapped him as he turned to walk off stage? Man, I'd love that. Last night my husband said to me, "There's no way you'd be standing up there next to me if I did something like that." To which I responded, "Oh hell no. Your cootie infested wein and you would be down the road...I'd be long gone." It's just too bad in an age where women are striving to be more respected, political wives - who in theory are meant to be looked up to - still have to swallow their pride and stand up there on the American stage and appear to be a loving, committed (albeit pissed off) wives. We know there's hell to pay behind closed doors...let's just see a little of it so that we know you're human. I would have relished seeing Hillary Clinton separate from Bill Clinton after years of indiscretion on his part. Shouldn't that have raised her credibility amongst women in this country? It's sad to think that she probably stayed with him for that exact reason.

Best of luck to you Spitzer...hope your rendezvous was nice while it lasted because I think you're going to have hell to pay in the days ahead, and I hear payback's a bitch.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's All Up Hill From Here!

I turned 30 this past weekend. Weird. Although not really in a bad way. Maybe I've been watching too many Oprah's but I'm looking forward to this next chapter in my life. I think the 30s are going to bring me a new level of happiness, contentment, intellect, compassion and patience. When you think about it, the 20s are crazy. A lot happens in that span of 10 years - graduating from college, finding your first job, getting your first apartment, falling in love, falling out of love, falling back in love again, moving across the country to a new city where you know no one (maybe even with a guy you've only been dating a couple of months), getting engaged, buying your first house, getting married, moving back across the country, having a baby, furthering your career and before you know're 30!

I welcomed in my 30th birthday with a trip to the Oregon coast. While it was forecasted to be cold and rainy all weekend, the weather gods were looking down on us and it turned out to be a beautiful weekend, complete with great food, trips to the aquarium, sea lion gazing, walking on the beach with my dog (I don't think I've given her 1:1 attention for about 2 years), playing in the "bubbles", I mean waves, with my daughter and then returning home to have a quiet, relaxing BBQ'd steak dinner with my husband. It was bring it on 30s, I'm ready for you.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Five Things to be Happy About...Right Now!

1. Clear blue skies and warm days, equalling BBQs, being outside and cider beers!
2. Kenny Chesney tickets go on sale this Saturday!
3. Getting dressed up for Oscar Night at the Hollywood Theatre this Sunday!
4. The "movement" that is Barack Obama!
5. My daughter saying please, thank you and I love you!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Roll out the Red Carpet...

After months of striking, the writer's union has finally come to an agreement with studios...and it's just in the knick of time! Oscar Night is right around the corner. For anyone in the Portland area, check out Oscar Night America at the Hollywood Theatre this Sunday, Feb. 24. The event is hosted by Film Action Oregon, the non-profit that owns and operates the Theatre as well as provides support to independent filmmakers in the state. The black-tie event is our annual fundraiser to raise money which will support the ongoing restoration of the Theatre and our programs. Commissioner Sam Adams is the event's honorary chair and Daria, Mitch and Ted of 105.1 Afternoon Buzz will emcee. There are great raffle, auction and wine prizes to be had as well as a Predict the Winners contest. A pre-party will be held at Mark Lindsay's Rock 'n Roll Cafe starting at 3 p.m., doors to the Theatre open at 4 p.m. and the live telecast starts at 5 p.m. Tickets to the main event are $75 - pre-party is $25. For tickets, visit Let's all get dressed up with someplace fun to go!